Friday 18 January 2013 • 10:03 • 0 Sweet hearts

ada sekoq rp hyuna niyh post tengah-2 malam gini,ni untuk org yg nk leave r je or deact xD k baca lah best punya ayt. loghat ganu(?) kot xD bwahah teruskan membaca. ._______________.

amik tau! ikhlas niyh!

kalo nok leaveh group

ato deact rp

leaveh/deact jo lo

tok soh nok kabo nge ore

mung pung stu 

hok sebok2 nok hale hok dio pasel 

yo dio nok leaveh/deact tu dio 

buke mung

berat nanang bereng

tok soh nok nyusoh ke ore le lo

mung nok leaveh/deact lantok mung r

x soh nok bebang ore le

x soh nok post bagei2 bende

sene citer mung g ''Account Setting''

pah nu mung g kt ''Security Settings''

pah nu bwoh skali ade hok dio tulih ''Deactivate Your Account''

nu bagi ore nok deact rp lo

hok nok leaveh group sene jo mung ''Just'' teke bute ''Leave Group''

ke sene 

dok payoh susoh2 nok update/post bgei2 

pe bak pepatoh ore puteh ''Just Waste Your Time''

ke aku doh speaking hohoh

so jdinyo just ikot ''Tutoriul'' ye aku tungjok tadi

same ado mung pahe bahaso aku ni

ado dok buke masoloh aku

ye penteng mung dok soh nyusoh ke ore !

mung nyusoh ke ore same gok mung nyusoh ke aku 

pahe ?

k bye !



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